Category: Still lifes

I grew up in a church context. I’ve rejected a bit of this, some attitudes, some details, but kept to things I consider good. For reasons I won’t go into here I’ve been strongly off the crosses as a symbol.

Fast forward to photography. For a year now I’ve been unable to see a construction crane without seeing a cross.

This series begins with the first of these, the rather grandiose sunburst behind a crane scene. It crosses (arf) into the healing series – which I felt at the time was probably related – for the three needles/calvary scene and ends with some good old fashioned churchyard action with cranes again.

I am now wondering whether my seeing these everywhere anything more than my usual interest in geometry.

I’m going to turn comments on for a change. If you’re composing a comment with the purpose of trying to change my mind about the religious ideas, don’t waste your time.

NZ art in-joke alert – In one of these pics “Here I give thanks to Peryer and Culbert”

In return for doing some promotional shots for an acupuncturist I got access to the apparatus for a bit.


Spark, 2009 (f1.8@1/15th ISO 1600)